Editorial Team


Sandunlekha Ekanayake

Coming from an extensive reading and writing background, Sandunlekha has an Honours degree in English (BA), an Honours degree in International Business (BA), and a knack to crack (bad or good) jokes at any given opportunity. She aspires to be something from a part-time comedian to a prolific writer and has vast interests that make her read up on any and everything that comes her way. While she dedicates her spare time to watching educational YouTube essays that analyses her favourite K-pop lyrics, in reality, she is a part-time meme digger. 

Theruni Liyanage

Burdened by an incurable interest in all things commerce, literary studies, and animals, Theruni dreams of one day writing her own novel without actually having to write it. She has a Honours degree in English, an Advanced Diploma in Management Accounting, and a not-inconsiderable fear of finally losing an ankle to another staircase-related incident.

Anouk De Silva

A teacher by profession, Anouk holds an Honours degree in English Literature and a Master’s Degree in Gender Studies from the University of Colombo. Her first love is reading and by extension, she also loves writing. Before taking up teaching, she worked in both electronic and print media in Colombo as a journalist and sub-editor of news and features.