How to Leverage Branded Social Media Collaborations for Co-Marketing
August 28, 2024

Social media platforms are changing at a quick pace, and some of them have brought in new collaboration capabilities that are revolutionizing the way brands communicate with one another on the internet. With the help of these new tools, businesses can now collaborate with other branded accounts to produce joint posts and tag-teamed content that engages new audiences and expands their reach.

These innovative changes, which range from TikTok’s Duets to Instagram’s Collabs, are giving companies the chance to forge innovative alliances and spread their message throughout the digital space. Members of the Forbes Agency Council offer original co-marketing concepts below that they may use in this year’s social content marketing strategy for a client. See how agencies may harness the power of creative collaboration to infuse the social strategies of their clients by reading their thoughts below.

1. Interact with B2B customer accounts 

B2B marketers have an opportunity to enhance their clients’ online personas by collaborating with other social media accounts. Building relationships and highlighting how your product could benefit your prospects is a wonderful method to interact with customers on social media in a way that benefits them or the people who work there. – Mike Maynard from Napier Partnership Limited

2. Work together on posts with other industry players

Working together on articles creates countless chances to grow audiences in a genuine and mutually beneficial way. For messages to be effective in the healthcare industry, science, and humanity must be centrally placed. Collaborations among doctors, health systems, device manufacturers, and patients can foster trust, exchange insightful information, and forge stronger ties within the community. – MOXY Company’s Christy Saia-Owenby

3. Put “influencer takeovers” into practice

Allowing a reliable influencer to take over the creation and promotion of content on your brand’s social media accounts is known as an “influencer takeover”. By actively interacting with the influencer’s followers and skillfully incorporating your product into their lifestyle narrative, this strategy leverages the influencer’s genuine voice and increases your reach. – Digital Web Solutions’ Vaibhav Kakkar

How to Leverage Branded Social Media Collaborations for Co-Marketing

4. Lead group Q&A sessions or live webinars

Organizing a joint live webinar or Q&A session and utilizing the combined audiences to boost reach and engagement is one original concept for co-marketing.

 5. Require collaboration with creator partnerships

Make sure that collaborations are required for all creators you work with. Instead of just tagging your brand, have creators post as official collaborators. This not only showcases the partnership but also helps build your brand’s social following more effectively. By leveraging the creators’ audiences through direct collaboration, your brand gains greater visibility and credibility more organically. – Danielle Wiley, Sway Group 

6. Leverage the X feature titled “Communities”

We find the new X feature “Communities”, which generates content akin to a subscription that is specifically catered to the interests of a certain group, intriguing. This tool encourages deeper engagement and customized experiences for users who have similar interests. This feature boosts community growth and customer loyalty by enabling brands to work together to create locations specifically designed for meaningful interactions. – ArtVersion’s Goran Paun

How to Leverage Branded Social Media Collaborations for Co-Marketing

7. Include related products from other brands in posts

Work together with brands that sell related products. Brands can reach a wider audience and boost engagement by cross-promoting themselves to one another’s audiences by tagging many similar products in a single post. – Creative Click Media, Adam Binder

8. Make use of the duet and stitch features on TikTok

Create a series titled “A Day in the Life” on TikTok with influencers or colleagues in the business describing their daily routines while adding your client’s product. You may do this by using the Duet and Stitch features. Through these features, the client can interact with each collaborator’s distinctive style and large audience by sharing movies that highlight different applications of their products. – Bullseye Strategy, Jonathan Schwartz

9. Engage in community marketing locally

Promote to other companies in your neighborhood that share your interests. Particularly during a crisis in the cost of living, local community marketing can frequently have a significant impact because customers are more likely to support local companies. Customers’ feeling of community will be strengthened as a result, solidifying both of your companies as local mainstays. – Adrian Falk, Think Public Relations & Advertising

10. Encourage remixes with content that was co-created

Co-created content can help you improve your social media strategy. Use platform collaboration tools, like Instagram Collabs or TikTok Duets, to create an interactive series in partnership with relevant brands. Promoting user-generated remixes will increase interaction and expose your business to new markets, which is beneficial for both community development and brand discovery. – PRecious Communications’ Lars Voedisch

11. Look for partners with complementary viewers

The first step is for partners to have complementary target audiences. Your plan will work better when your audiences share comparable interests. To make the brand push more dynamic and engaging, co-marketing ideas should always involve cross-promoting, content sharing, and even joining a live webinar or podcast together. – MSM Digital’s Mario Mirabella

12. Collaborate with artists on all social media channels

Collaborate with creators who have a large social media following to expand your brand on many channels. Since creators typically utilize three social media channels, directing their followers to a brand’s ecosystems can increase sales, engagement, and brand exposure. By including links to your social media accounts on every social media profile and at the point of sale, you can increase the number of followers your business receives from people who find it through creator recommendations. – Rodney Mason, LTK

(Tashia Bernardus) 

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