October 13, 2023

Already running away from reading this article? Well, come back! The chances are it will change your life in ways that you are only dreaming of now. The couch is a comfortable place, but people also die on it. Got your attention yet? Good.

We’re not asking you to run 5k a day from today- so relax. But it is good to start somewhere. 

You may be young, reasonably healthy and you think, what’s the point? Well, you’re not always going to be all these things. So, it’s advisable that you get into the best shape of your life now by building your metabolism. It’s as simple as that.

What’s in it for you

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A lot of things. For starters, it will help reduce your weight by burning your body fat faster. When you eat your body acquires calories, and when you exercise these calories are consumed. So, running can help build your body’s metabolism but you must also try to supplement this with a nutritious diet so that you can maintain your body weight as required.

Running is also known to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease by lowering blood pressure, certain cancers and metabolic syndrome. In fact, The American College of Cardiology says that high-intensity exercises such as running, can help maintain proper blood pressure levels. 

If you think about it, running makes good sense. Exercise and the outdoor fresh air will alleviate stress and give you that much-needed break from those deadly screens that dominate our lives each day. This spills over into a good night’s sleep too, because your mind has been cleared of all its stressors and your body is ready to repair and re-energize itself. Running also strengthens muscles which can weaken with age in addition to fortifying one’s bones that can grow brittle too, as life takes its daily toll.

Haven’t you always envied those people who are on their feet all day and still have energy left over to party afterwards? Well, running can get you there too (not the party, but to those energy levels!) This is known as ‘the runner’s high’ and people who run daily say that they feel more focused throughout the day, as a result. This is due to the endorphins (hormones) released to the body during the running process.

Not bad, but I’m no runner…

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The famous ‘couch to 5K’ training regimen was the brainchild of Josh Clark, an American who was not even a regular runner at the time- the mid 1990’s. He noted that if you keep trying, it begins to feel right as though it was meant to be part of your lifestyle. The programme he designed introduced running gradually so that it was not painful and something that would dissuade people.

So, the good news is that you don’t have to have been a runner or someone who regularly exercises to start running now. The key is to start small, but first you need to plan. You can have four rest-days in the week, with alternate days of running that includes a few minutes of walking, running and walking. The rest-days are important so that you don’t overdo it and avoid injuries. Increase your running time each week and reduce the walking time. The walking-time gives your body the chance to adapt to the regimen gradually. Don’t forget to stretch and warm-up before your run and also warm-down after to avoid sore muscles the next day. Experts say stretching while running is better than stationary stretching as it gets your body ready for the exercise.

Also remember to invest in some good running shoes and proper attire. You’ll be pleased to know that comfort should be the deciding factor, but talk to the sales rep at the shoe store you visit and purchase a shoe that is best for beginner running. This does not have to be expensive, just functional. Make sure that when you’re trying on shoes you also bring your socks with you. Ideally the socks you wear for running should be one with a synthetic blend that prevents blisters from forming on your feet such as polyester or acrylic. For running during winter consider wool blends. Your shoes should be comfortably cushioned and slightly heavy, but not too much so that it drags you down. At the shoe store obtain advice on the sole of the shoe as well, as the surface you will be running on will matter for your safety. And speaking of safety, ensure that the shoes have some reflective surface so that you will be easily seen by motorists, should you be running in the city. 

When running, your clothing should be light and suit the weather. Fabrics such as nylon, polyester or wool are excellent for running attire. Avoid heavy layers and materials The goal is to be as lightweight and comfortable as possible. Choose clothing with pockets that can carry your phone, ID and some money, if necessary. You might also want to wear a sports watch that will help you monitor the distance you’re running and also track your heart rate, etc.

Finally, stay hydrated. Drinking water is mandatory every 10 to 20 minutes to avoid getting dehydrated. Wearing some sunblock should also be a priority. 

On your marks, get set!

It’s true they say ‘no pain, no gain’ but if you do feel any physical pain in your knees and joints for example, don’t push yourself to keep running. In that case you need to seek medical advice before returning to your running programme. However, metaphorically, the saying rings true because if you don’t get off that couch now, you’re likely to stay there until it’s too late- and that’s never good. So, start small and start now. 

(Anouk De Silva)

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