Open AI GPT-4
February 16, 2024

The industry-leading artificial intelligence research center, OpenAI, has unexpectedly revealed a large price reduction for its sophisticated language models together with the resolution of problems with the ‘lazy’ GPT-4. This action attempts to increase the accessibility of OpenAI’s cutting-edge technology to a wider audience and is a reaction to user input. 

Developers will be the main beneficiaries of the company’s strategic choice to release a few more models and lower the price of API access, but it also acts as a predictor of future consumer options. 

The price drop

With its GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) models, OpenAI has long been at the forefront of artificial intelligence research and is hailed as having some of the most advanced language models to date. Nonetheless, many users have taken issue with the premium fee needed to access these models.

OpenAI’s Big Move: Price Reduction and the Revamped GPT-4-image01

OpenAI has decided to lower the cost of its services to allay this worry and promote broader use. To ensure that companies, researchers, and developers of all sizes may take advantage of the capability of GPT models without going over budget, a smart price decrease has been implemented.

The GPT-3.5 Turbo model is the most commonly used, typically through ChatGPT, and it has become somewhat of an industry standard; if your responses aren’t as excellent as ChatGPT’s, what’s the point? 

Because it is less expensive and faster than GPT-4 for many tasks, it is also a well-liked API. The news that input prices are falling by 50% and output by 25%, to $0.0005 per thousand tokens in and $0.0015 per thousand tokens out, should please paying users.

Those tokens start to pile up as more users experiment with using these APIs for text-intensive applications, such as evaluating full papers or novels. Additionally, if self-managed or open-source models surpass OpenAI’s performance, the business must ensure that its clients stay with it. So, even if it’s also a natural outcome of streamlining the models and enhancing their infrastructure, prices have been steadily declining.

The ‘Lazy’ GPT-4 fix 

The rise of criticisms over a “lazy” GPT-4 model was one of the major problems OpenAI had to deal with lately. Users described situations in which the model appeared unwilling or unresponsive to produce the required results. OpenAI responded quickly to these concerns by addressing the issue head-on.

The ‘slow’ behavior was found to be caused by several defects in the GPT-4 initial version. The committed group of engineers and researchers at OpenAI worked hard to find and fix the root causes and as a result, GPT-4 has been redesigned to function as intended while also displaying improved responsiveness and efficiency.

On the other hand? 

Additionally, the GPT-3.5 Turbo receives a new model version, 0125 (today), which has “various improvements,” but not much that OpenAI seems to think is noteworthy. It’s a little surprising that they don’t discuss more considering the last version was 0613.

A new preview model for GPT-4 Turbo is available for use with the API (0125), and it includes an intriguing fix. Compared to the previous preview model, this one completes jobs like code generation more fully. Its goal is to decrease instances of “laziness,” or instances in which the model fails to finish a task.

It’s possible that the developers whose habits the model consumed and absorbed taught it the wrong things! AI may be quietly retiring already. Congratulations, AI! The mode of preview is still active. But “in the coming months,” GPT-4 Turbo with vision, or GPT-4 V, will go on sale to the public.

For those who prefer technical aspects, there are also a few upgraded and novel text embedding models. The business has also updated its free moderation API, which now recognizes potentially hazardous language. If you are experimenting with this to supplement your moderation requirements, look for version 007 of the program.


The future appears bright for OpenAI and its user base as it advances with its revised GPT-4 and lower pricing structure. The increased availability of sophisticated language models is anticipated to encourage creativity and lead to the creation of fresh solutions and applications in a variety of sectors.

OpenAI’s strategic choice to lower pricing and fix model flaws is indicative of its commitment to both staying at the forefront of AI research and ensuring that its technology is accessible to all and has a significant global impact. OpenAI’s dedication to user participation and ongoing development establishes a standard for responsible and user-centred AI development as the field of artificial intelligence continues to change. 

Tashia Bernardus 

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