Use Digital Media With Care For Mileage
October 24, 2023

It is a jungle of information out there and often it is perplexing in the decision-making process. As marketers who need to get our brands out there and ensure top-of-the-mind positioning, there are scores of channels and associated research to wade through before allocating budgets.

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To add to the headache, technology is just propelling forward at an alarming pace and we have to be able to keep up. The Gen Zs and Alphas who spend much of their time online and on digital platforms need to be reached effectively with engaging content that is both succinct and apt. 

Here is a rundown of the digital advertising platforms that have been yielding the best results so far.

Digital platforms for effectiveness and efficacy

Google Ads

A platform that marries ease of use, support information and the latest technology, Google Ads is popular as a pay-per-click (PPC) advertising platform and is so sought after because it helps generate leads on customers, while also directing traffic towards one’s website.

Companies have thrived on Google Ads’ effectiveness in increasing brand awareness and even pushing brand conversions, which is every marketer’s dream come true. It is noteworthy that 80% of businesses globally use Google Ads to boost their PPC campaigns. This is fueled by the fact that over 90% of internet users worldwide are reached via Google Ads.

Google Ads is also extremely effective in terms of diversifying campaigns because it can cater to the demands of Shopping Campaigns, Video Campaigns, App Campaigns, Display Campaigns and Search Campaigns. It also provides bidding options that will help you get the best returns on your spending. The amalgamation of choices on ad campaign types and payment methods drives Google Ads’ popularity amongst users.

Facebook Ads

In a survey conducted by Instapage, 25% of marketers said that Facebook propels the highest Return on Ad Spend. It is driven by the easy reach of target audiences through extremely relevant content that engages and speaks to them. In quarter one of last year, Facebook reported that it had 1.96 billion active users. This is a significantly large number to market your brand to, so why would you overlook it? Many companies cite Facebook as a great customer acquisition channel and this is facilitated by customizable ads that can target various customer segments based on their demographic features. 

The platform’s Business Manager tool makes setting up and getting your ads up and running, easily doable, once you get the hang of it. It allows a mix of video and still images that can be used based on your target audience and requirements. According to Wordstream, Facebook ads deliver an average conversion rate of 9.21% across various industries. 

Instagram and TikTok

This one is no surprise. Gen Z and Gen Alpha live and breathe these two platforms. Instagram is ideal for your brand because it enables the sharing of a wide range of content, be it photos or videos and schedules posts for the right time. Furthermore, user-generated content (UGC) thrives on Instagram and can be leveraged by your brand to promote it more authentically through consumers who not only use your brand but have a large following and engagement rate. 

TikTok is quite popular today but is also increasing in popularity daily because it is very much in line with the quick creativity of the younger generation. The platform allows for short (15-60 second) videos and is accompanied by a library of songs, sound effects, special effects, and so on. Buffer says that around 47.4% of TikTok users in the US are between the ages of 10-29. This platform too, enables the scheduling of posts that range from dancing, singing, and various other creative videos to be uploaded. TikTok is a superb way to reach younger audiences.


With 2.2 billion monthly active users, YouTube draws 81% of adults to its platform. It is a versatile platform that spans content ranging from entertainment to education and gaming. YouTube is a platform that is used by different age groups as even students use it to watch educational videos that supplement their study material, and therefore, is an excellent platform for content marketing.


While this may not be the apparent choice for many brands, as a messaging service WhatsApp is an effective tool to market to various groups. Since almost anyone who possesses a smartphone these days will be on WhatsApp and use it frequently for individual messaging or as part of group communications, it is a useful method to reach existing and potential customers with promotional material. What’s more, unlike normal SMS services, it’s a free service, so that makes it even better! Again, it’s a great way to share images and videos with specific target audiences. 

Not exhaustive …

There are more platforms to be added to the above list, and they can all work different types of magic with your brand. Research your target demographic and know their habits so that you can crack the code to reach them effectively. 

Keep in mind that technology is evolving at a faster pace than we can keep track of, but we have to. So, it’s always best to be in touch with your younger audiences and learn what is piquing their attention at the moment. Today it may be Netflix and watching endless YouTube videos, but tomorrow it can be gaming in the Metaverse or using Artificial Intelligence to create new forms of communication. 

Either way, the onus is on you, the marketer, to keep your eye on the ball and roll with the dice.

(Anouk De Silva)

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